5915-01-600-5982 An item designed to suppress undesired (interfering) frequencies and have a minimal effect on the desired frequencies when inserted in an electrical power circuit. Excludes items which consist of a single capacitor, inductor, resistor, or devices consisting of only two or more circuit elements of the same basic name. Excludes FILTER, LOW PASS and SUPPRESSOR, IGNITION INTERFERENCE. For items designed to be inserted in a line which is primarily intended to carry high frequency waves modulated with signals, such as antenna lead-in, see FILTER, BAND SUPPRESSION and FILTER, BAND PASS. See also LIMITER, ELECTRICAL NOISE.

Part Alternates: F18963, 5915-01-600-5982, 01-600-5982, 5915016005982, 016005982

Electrical and Electronic Equipment Components | Filters and Networks

Supply Group (FSG) NSN Assign. NIIN
59 12 DEC 2011 01-600-5982

Cross Reference | NSN 5915-01-600-5982

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Restrictions/Controls & Freight Information | NSN 5915-01-600-5982

Category Code Description
Hazardous Material Indicator CodePThere is no information in the HMIS; however, the NSN is in an FSC in Table II of Federal Standard 313 and an MSDS may be required by the user. The requirement for an MSDS is dependent on a hazard determination of the supplier or the intended end use of the product
Demilitarization Code:BMunitions List Item - Mutilation (MUT) to the point of scrap required. (Formerly: Demilitarization not required. Trade Security Controls (TSCs) required at disposition.)
Electro-static Discharge Susceptible:ANo known Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) or Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) sensitivity
Precious Metals Indicator Code:AItem does not contain precious metal
Criticality Code:X The item does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application.
Automatic Data Processing Equipment:0Represents items with no ADP components. NOTE: Codes 1 through 6 are only to be used when the item is Automatic Data Processing Equipment (ADPE) in its entirety and is limited to the type meeting only one of the definitions for codes 1 through 6. (See code 9)
Category Code Description
No Freight Information