6625-01-421-4918 An instrument which measures the rate of regularly recurring variations in an electric current or voltage and is usually calibrated in Hertz (cycles per second or CPS). The value may be expressed by means of a pointer and calibrated dial vibrating reed or a digital read out display. For instruments which measure radio frequencies, see CALIBRATOR, FREQUENCY; and WAVEMENTER. Excludes: COUNTER ELECTRONIC DIGITAL.

Part Alternates: 117291, 11729-1, 6625-01-421-4918, 01-421-4918, 6625014214918, 014214918

Instruments and Laboratory Equipment | Electrical and Electronic Properties Measuring and Testing Instruments

Supply Group (FSG) NSN Assign. NIIN
66 09 NOV 1995 01-421-4918

Cross Reference | NSN 6625-01-421-4918

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Technical Data | NSN 6625-01-421-4918

Characteristic Specifications

Restrictions/Controls & Freight Information | NSN 6625-01-421-4918

Category Code Description
Shelf-Life Code:0Nondeteriorative
Hazardous Material Indicator CodePThere is no information in the HMIS; however, the NSN is in an FSC in Table II of Federal Standard 313 and an MSDS may be required by the user. The requirement for an MSDS is dependent on a hazard determination of the supplier or the intended end use of the product
Demilitarization Code:ANon-Munitions List Item/ Non-Strategic List Item - Demilitarization not required.
Controlled Inventory Item Code:UUNCLASSIFIED
Precious Metals Indicator Code:AItem does not contain precious metal
Criticality Code:X The item does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application.
Automatic Data Processing Equipment:5ADP Accessorial Equipment. Represents accessorial equipment which is considered to be a component, device, or unit that is related directly to and essential in the operation of ADPE. Included in this class are complete units and components of related general purpose accessorial equipment which are used as part of a system such as weapon system, control system, missile system, communication system, or navigational system. It also encompasses various units or devices and associated control units that are used in combination or conjunction with the ADPE configuration but are not part of the configuration itself.
Category Code Description
NMF Description 136740 METERS ELEC/PARTS
Less than car load rating
Less than truck load rating W Rating Variable
Water commodity Code 657 unknown
Originating Activity Code CU
Air Dimension Code A Shipment is not a consolidation and does not exceed 72 inches in any dimension.
Air Commodity V Vehicles, machinery, shop and warehouse equipment and supplies, including special tools and equipment, ground servicing and special purpose vehicles, marine equipment and supplies, repair and maintenance parts for the above.
Air Special Handling Z No special handling required.
Special Handling Code 9 unknonwn
Type of Cargo Z No special type of cargo code applicable

Management | NSN 6625-01-421-4918

Category Code Description
Materiel Category and Inventory ManagerQ Electronics Materiel (DLA/GSA Items)
Appropriation and Budget Activity2 Stock Fund Secondary Items
Management Inventory Segment4 PROVISIONING ITEMS (Exclusive of Insurance Items). This code will identify new items introduced through the provisioning process for system stock which would normally be categorized as either nonreparable or reparable but for which sufficient experience has been obtained to manage on the basis of normal demand forecasts.
Specific Group/Generic Code9 Signal Intelligence
Weapons Systems/End Item or Homogeneous Group9MAN/TSQ-199 (Enhanced Trackwolf)
Accounting Requirements CodeX Expendable item. An item of Army property coded with an ARC of ?X? in the AMDF. Expendable items require no formal accountability after issue from a stock record account. Commercial and fabricated items similar to items coded ?X? in the AMDF are considered expendable items.
Source of SupplySMSDefense Logistics Agency
Enterprise Business Systems
AgencyDADepartment of the Army
Service OrganizationAU.S. Army
ReparabilityZThis is a nonreparable item. If condemned or economically unserviceable, then dispose at the level authorized replace the item.
Acquisition Advice CodesVTERMINAL ITEM # Identifies items in stock, but future procurement is not authorized. Requisitions may continue to be submitted until stocks are exhausted. Preferred item National Stock Number is normally provided by application of the phrase: When Exhausted Use (NSN). Requisitions will be submitted in accordance with IMM/Service requisitioning procedures as applicable.
Controlled Item CodeUUNCLASSIFIED
Shelf Life Code0Nondeteriorative
Purchasing QTY
EA : Each