6130-01-294-0387 An electrical item (the working element of which is constructed essentially of metallic substances) which changes alternating current to direct current by the rectifying action occurring at the junction interface between a metallic conductor and a semiconductor. Excludes sets of metallic rectifiers which are not rated for rectifying capabilities but are used as suppressors. For items containing germanium or silicon, see SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE (1), DIODE; SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE SET and RECTIFIER, SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE. For a complete power supply utilizing metallic rectifiers, see POWER SUPPLY.
Part Alternates: 374089, 374-089, 6130-01-294-0387, 01-294-0387, 6130012940387, 012940387
Electric Wire, and Power and Distribution Equipment | Converters, Electrical, Nonrotating
Supply Group (FSG) |
NSN Assign. |
Item Name Code (INC) |
61 |
10 FEB 1989 |
01-294-0387 |