5961-01-627-7092 Two or more discrete semiconductor devices such as diode(s) and/or transistor(s), permanently cased, encapsulated, or potted together to form an inseparable unit. Excludes devices having one or more components other than semiconductor devices. The individually distinct devices forming the unit may be internally connected. The unit in itself does not perform a complete specific function and cannot be assigned a more definite item name. It may include or consist of inseparable matched pairs. May or may not include mounting hardware and/or heatsink. For interconnected items arranged in stack(s), see RECTIFIER, SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE. For items formed on or within a semiconductor material substrate, formed on an insulating substrate or formed on a combination of both of these types, see MICROCIRCUIT (as modified). Excludes NETWORK (as modified); ABSORBER, OVERVOLTAGE; SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE SET; and SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE ASSEMBLY. Do not use if more specific name applies.

Part Alternates: APT2X61D60J , 5961-01-627-7092, 01-627-7092, 5961016277092, 016277092

Electrical and Electronic Equipment Components | Semiconductor Devices and Associated Hardware

Supply Group (FSG) NSN Assign. NIIN
59 2014114 01-627-7092

Cross Reference | NSN 5961-01-627-7092

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Restrictions/Controls & Freight Information | NSN 5961-01-627-7092

Category Code Description
Hazardous Material Indicator CodeNThere is no data in the HMIS and the NSN is in an FSC not generally suspected of containing hazardous materials
Demilitarization Code:ANon-Munitions List Item/ Non-Strategic List Item - Demilitarization not required.
Electro-static Discharge Susceptible:ANo known Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) or Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) sensitivity
Precious Metals Indicator Code:AItem does not contain precious metal
Automatic Data Processing Equipment:0Represents items with no ADP components. NOTE: Codes 1 through 6 are only to be used when the item is Automatic Data Processing Equipment (ADPE) in its entirety and is limited to the type meeting only one of the definitions for codes 1 through 6. (See code 9)
Category Code Description
No Freight Information