5895-01-566-1928 An electronic device which mixes two or more input frequencies which are usually adjustable, combines them linearly in desired proportions to produce a common output signal which is a resultant of the input frequencies. Excludes items having integral oscillators. See also CONVERTER, FREQUENCY, ELECTRONIC and MIXER, CRYSTAL, WAVEGUIDE.20258950037Miscellaneous Communication Equipment66250070Electrical and Electronic Properties Measuring and Testing Instruments

Part Alternates: CHD091071, CHD09107-1, G7748172, G774817-2, 5895-01-566-1928, 01-566-1928, 5895015661928, 015661928

Communication, Detection, and Coherent Radiation Equipment | Miscellaneous Communication Equipment

Supply Group (FSG) NSN Assign. NIIN
58 23 AUG 2008 01-566-1928

Demand History | NSN 5895-01-566-1928

Part Number Request Date QTY Origin
5895-01-566-1928 2019-11-316 1 US

Cross Reference | NSN 5895-01-566-1928

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Restrictions/Controls & Freight Information | NSN 5895-01-566-1928

Category Code Description
Shelf-Life Code:0Nondeteriorative
Hazardous Material Indicator CodeNThere is no data in the HMIS and the NSN is in an FSC not generally suspected of containing hazardous materials
Demilitarization Code:BMunitions List Item - Mutilation (MUT) to the point of scrap required. (Formerly: Demilitarization not required. Trade Security Controls (TSCs) required at disposition.)
Controlled Inventory Item Code:UUNCLASSIFIED
Electro-static Discharge Susceptible:BESD sensitivity
Precious Metals Indicator Code:GItem contains gold
Criticality Code:X The item does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application.
Automatic Data Processing Equipment:0Represents items with no ADP components. NOTE: Codes 1 through 6 are only to be used when the item is Automatic Data Processing Equipment (ADPE) in its entirety and is limited to the type meeting only one of the definitions for codes 1 through 6. (See code 9)
Category Code Description
No Freight Information

Management | NSN 5895-01-566-1928

Category Code Description
Materiel Management Aggregation CodeKQTV:UPGRADE EARLY WARNING SYSTEM (UEWS)
Budget CodeO 8357X3080:Electronics & Telecommunications Replenishment Spares
Price ValidationP The current standard price is the initial negotiated provisioned price.
  • This is the price paid by DoD for the item as the result of price negotiation of the Provisioned Item Order (PIO) or other initial negotiated price.
  • ZOP or Standard Price challenges are permissible but should be supported with adequate justification.
Source of SupplyF52
AgencyDFDepartment of the Air Force
Service OrganizationLLead Service - 22 (Repairable)
ReparabilityTAF Recoverable Assembly Management System (AFRAMS)
Acquisition Advice CodesCSERVICE/AGENCY-MANAGED (Service/Agency use only.) # Issue, transfer, or shipment is not subject to specialized controls other than those imposed by individual Services supply policy. 1. The item is centrally managed, stocked, and issued. 2. Requisitions will be submitted in accordance with Service requisitioning procedures.
Controlled Item CodeUUNCLASSIFIED
Shelf Life Code0Nondeteriorative
Purchasing QTY
EA : Each