5920-12-149-2332 A fuseholder in which the clips or contacts for electrical connection to the fuse are mounted in a tubular body or similar inclosure which surrounds the fuse. It generally contains a removable cap or knob. It includes in-the-line type and those designated as miniature type FUSEHOLDER (as modified).

Part Alternates: A02189003, A02189-003, A1173350 ISSUE 02, A1173350ISSUE02, CN38020030ED, CN380200-30ED, CP021, SAKS324892, SAKS3KRG24892, FT15976, JRB1135, PC779702, PC-77970-2, 024890, 024892, 100099-9005-128, 660G5170/01, 660G517001, 7574882, 160456, 24890, 2489-0, 24892, 2489-2, 3040012 SHEET 9 ITEM 47, 3040012SHEET9ITEM47, 4038156, 403-8156, 42264999006, 42264-999-00-6, 500139, 5001-39, 508423145004, 508-4-23145-004, 5920-12-149-2332, 12-149-2332, 1000999005128, 5920121492332, 121492332

Electrical and Electronic Equipment Components | Fuses, Arrestors, Absorbers, and Protectors

Supply Group (FSG) NSN Assign. NIIN
59 12-149-2332

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Restrictions/Controls & Freight Information | NSN 5920-12-149-2332

Category Code Description
Hazardous Material Indicator CodePThere is no information in the HMIS; however, the NSN is in an FSC in Table II of Federal Standard 313 and an MSDS may be required by the user. The requirement for an MSDS is dependent on a hazard determination of the supplier or the intended end use of the product
Category Code Description
No Freight Information