5920-12-127-0914 An item constructed to establish the necessary accommodations to connect a fuse to a fuseholder whose design or function will not normally warrant their connection and/or to limit the current rating of the fuse to be used in conjunction with the fuseholder.
Part Alternates: ASC1275987, AW704804689, AW7048-046-89, D225DIN49516, D2-25DIN49516, D49516D2P25, DIN49516DIIX25, DIN49516-DIIX25, E2725VG88815, E27-25VG88815, VBE3422I, VBE34-22I, 944-810-700, 1300501-25, 1301701.25, 132384, 28239206, 352250008538, 5SH316, 656016, 68270070, 854-810-700, 5920-12-127-0914, 12-127-0914, 5920121270914, 130050125, 130170125, 121270914, 944810700, 854810700
Electrical and Electronic Equipment Components | Fuses, Arrestors, Absorbers, and Protectors
Supply Group (FSG) |
NSN Assign. |
Item Name Code (INC) |
59 |
12-127-0914 |
06115 ( ADAPTER, FUSE ) |