Product Details | FORWARD JUMPER


Part Alternates: P12612119N, 2815-01-178-0641, 01-178-0641, 2815011780641, 011780641

Engines, Turbines, and Components | Diesel Engines and Components

Supply Group (FSG) NSN Assign. NIIN
28 01 MAY 1984 01-178-0641

Demand History | NSN 2815-01-178-0641

Part Number Request Date QTY Origin
P12612119N 2023-12-339 63 DIBBS
P12612119N 2023-11-324 63 DIBBS
P12612119N 2022-11-306 154 DIBBS
P12612119N 2022-10-290 154 DIBBS
P12612119N 2022-07-193 220 DIBBS
P12612119N 2022-06-178 220 DIBBS
P12612119N 2021-07-201 68 DIBBS
P12612119N 2021-06-181 159 DIBBS
P12612119N 2020-11-324 29 DIBBS
P12612119N 2020-11-318 23 DIBBS
P12612119N 2020-11-307 45 DIBBS
P12612119N 2020-10-303 23 DIBBS
P12612119N 2020-10-294 45 DIBBS
P12612119N 2020-05-125 28 DIBBS
P12612119N 2020-04-121 49 DIBBS
P12612119N 2020-04-114 28 DIBBS
P12612119N 2019-08-213 82 DIBBS
P12612119N 2019-07-203 25 DIBBS
P12612119N 2019-07-192 25 DIBBS
P12612119N 2019-05-122 38 DIBBS
P12612119N 2019-03-71 82 DIBBS
P12612119N 2019-02-57 82 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2016-07-189 134 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2016-06-181 109 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2016-04-115 27 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2016-03-87 12 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2016-03-69 22 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2016-02-55 20 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2016-02-39 20 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2014-03-90 47 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2014-03-75 47 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2014-03-75 10 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2014-02-55 13 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2014-02-42 13 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2014-01-29 23 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2014-01-05 3 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2013-12-359 13 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2013-12-350 10 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2013-12-335 5 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2013-11-332 15 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2013-11-316 2 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2013-10-275 9 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2013-09-262 25 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2013-09-254 15 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2013-08-240 7 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2013-07-198 12 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2012-10-290 12 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2012-09-272 1 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2012-08-240 7 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2012-08-214 2 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2012-05-137 3 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2012-05-137 26 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2012-05-125 3 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2012-03-61 25 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2011-11-332 27 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2011-11-314 15 DIBBS
2815-01-178-0641 2011-09-264 9 DIBBS

Cross Reference | NSN 2815-01-178-0641

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Restrictions/Controls & Freight Information | NSN 2815-01-178-0641

Category Code Description
Shelf-Life Code:0Nondeteriorative
Hazardous Material Indicator CodeNThere is no data in the HMIS and the NSN is in an FSC not generally suspected of containing hazardous materials
Demilitarization Code:ANon-Munitions List Item/ Non-Strategic List Item - Demilitarization not required.
Controlled Inventory Item Code:UUNCLASSIFIED
Precious Metals Indicator Code:AItem does not contain precious metal
Category Code Description
Less than car load rating
Less than truck load rating W Rating Variable
Water commodity Code 593 unknown
Originating Activity Code AX Defense Supply Center Columbus
Columbus, OH 43216-5000
Air Dimension Code A Shipment is not a consolidation and does not exceed 72 inches in any dimension.
Air Commodity V Vehicles, machinery, shop and warehouse equipment and supplies, including special tools and equipment, ground servicing and special purpose vehicles, marine equipment and supplies, repair and maintenance parts for the above.
Air Special Handling Z No special handling required.
Special Handling Code 9 unknonwn
Type of Cargo Z No special type of cargo code applicable

Management | NSN 2815-01-178-0641

Category Code Description
Cognizance Codes9BNavy-owned stocks of DLA material
Naval Inventory Control Point, Mechanicsburg
Source of SupplySMSDefense Logistics Agency
Enterprise Business Systems
AgencyDNDepartment of the Navy
Service OrganizationNU.S. Navy
Acquisition Advice CodesDDoD INTEGRATED MATERIEL-MANAGED, STOCKED, AND ISSUED # Issue, transfer, or shipment is not subject to specialized controls other than those imposed by the Integrated Materiel Manager/Service supply policy. 1. The item is centrally managed, stocked, and issued. 2. Requisitions must contain the fund citation required to acquire the item. Requisitions will be submitted in accordance with Integrated Materiel Manager(IMM)/Service requisitioning procedures.
Controlled Item CodeUUNCLASSIFIED
Shelf Life Code0Nondeteriorative
Purchasing QTY
EA : Each