NSN 2815-00-392-4749 77018B, 78043AS, 00-392-4749
2815-00-392-4749 A mushroom or tulip-shaped item having a circular head with a conical face and an extended stem used to regulate the flow of incoming fuel-air mixture or air into the combustion chamber or exhaust gases from the combustion chamber of a reciprocating internal combustion engine.20328050063Gasoline Reciprocating Engines, Except Aircraft; and Components28100068Gasoline Reciprocating Engines, Aircraft Prime Mover; and Components28150029Diesel Engines and Components
Part Alternates: 77018B, 78043AS, 2815-00-392-4749, 00-392-4749, 2815003924749, 003924749
Engines, Turbines, and Components | Diesel Engines and Components
Supply Group (FSG) | NSN Assign. | NIIN | Item Name Code (INC) |
28 | 01 JAN 1961 | 00-392-4749 | 15884 ( VALVE, POPPET, ENGINE ) |
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Restrictions/Controls & Freight Information | NSN 2815-00-392-4749
Category | Code | Description |
Shelf-Life Code: | 0 | Nondeteriorative |
Hazardous Material Indicator Code | N | There is no data in the HMIS and the NSN is in an FSC not generally suspected of containing hazardous materials |
Demilitarization Code: | A | Non-Munitions List Item/ Non-Strategic List Item - Demilitarization not required. |
Controlled Inventory Item Code: | U | UNCLASSIFIED |
Precious Metals Indicator Code: | A | Item does not contain precious metal |
Category | Code | Description |
NMF Description | 133300 | MACHINERY/MACHINES NOI |
Less than car load rating | M | 85 |
Less than truck load rating | W | Rating Variable |
Water commodity Code | 593 | unknown |
Originating Activity Code | XX | |
Air Dimension Code | A | Shipment is not a consolidation and does not exceed 72 inches in any dimension. |
Air Commodity | V | Vehicles, machinery, shop and warehouse equipment and supplies, including special tools and equipment, ground servicing and special purpose vehicles, marine equipment and supplies, repair and maintenance parts for the above. |
Air Special Handling | Z | No special handling required. |
Special Handling Code | 9 | unknonwn |
Type of Cargo | Z | No special type of cargo code applicable |
Management | NSN 2815-00-392-4749
Category | Code | Description |
Cognizance Codes | 9C | Navy-owned stocks of defense construction material Naval Inventory Control Point, Mechanicsburg |
Source of Supply | S9C | Defense Supply Center Columbus Columbus, OH 43215 |
Agency | DN | Department of the Navy |
Service Organization | N | U.S. Navy |
Acquisition Advice Codes | Y | TERMINAL ITEM #(NON-STOCKED ITEMS) Future procurement is not authorized. No wholesale stock is available for issue. 1. Requisitions will not be processed to the wholesale manager. 2. Internal Service/agency requisitioning may be continued in accordance with the Service/agency requisitioning policies. |
Controlled Item Code | U | UNCLASSIFIED |
Shelf Life Code | 0 | Nondeteriorative |